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Tom Anderson H3 Humbucker Electric Guitar Pickup
Tom Anderson H3 Humbucker Electric Guitar Pickup
They have been making pickups even longer than guitars!
As Tom recalled in Premier Guitar, July 2010:
"The first year, 1984, I ran the company from my garage, and the plan was to just make bodies and necks. I wasn’t planning on being a guitar manufacturer. What fed our family that first year was that Schecter Japan needed American-made pickups. The American Schecter factory closed a few months after I left, and nobody knew how to make pickups. Schecter Japan contacted me and we sat down at Carl’s Jr. and made a deal for me to make them 300 Strat pickups. I set up a little pickup-making shop in the kitchen of our house. After I got through making necks and bodies in our garage during the day, we sat up making pickups every night. That first year we lived on those pickups, and we still make them to this day."
We use the highest quality parts and cutting edge technology, along with vintage winding machines and techniques. Yes, in addition to electric guitars, we make the best electric guitar pickups in the world as well!
H Series Pickups
The time honored Anderson humbucker series. A complete line of broadband (full frequency response) humbuckers, characterized by ample amounts of lows and highs while still having plenty of midrange power, never squashed or narrow but always big, full and robust. Due to their construction, these pickups also split amazingly well.
H 3: Thicker, fuller and hotter than the H2+, this is where musical legato begins. Makes the picking hand feel completely fluid while still presenting more than just midrange-only tone.