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PPAY Voltage Doubler Adapter - 18V or 24V
PPAY Voltage Doubler Adapter - 18V or 24V
For pedals with higher voltage requirements, the Voltage Doubler Adapter will combine two 9V or 12V Pedal Power outputs to create a single 18V or 24V output. This adapter features two BLACK 2.1mm barrel plugs to a single BLACK 2.1mm jack for use with any standard power cable with a 2.1mm plug. Ideal for MXR Flanger and Dime Distortion, Crybaby 535Q, and various Fulltone and Keeley products.
• Combines voltage of two Pedal Power isolated outs
• Compatible with all Voodoo Lab center-negative or center-positive DC power cables
• Custom-designed by Voodoo Lab for optimal performance with Pedal Power
• Nickel-plated barrel plugs secure solid connections between power supply and effects
• 22-gauge copper wire for superior current handling
• Power Supply Connector: Two (2) 2.1mm straight barrels (Black)
• Pedal Connector: Jack for 2.1mm straight barrel plug (Black)
• Polarity: N/A
• Length Options: 4” (10cm)